
Monday, November 13, 2017

Tourism News - 14 November 2017

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Tourism New Zealand
Latest news from Tourism New Zealand | 14 November 2017

Kia Ora THE

Greetings from Manila where we have just signed our first Memorandum of Understanding with Philippine Airlines, in front of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. The MOU marks the announcement of Philippine Airlines new direct route, Manila-Auckland and we look forward to working with them to make it a success. Find out more, below.

On the home front, today marks the first anniversary of the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake – a devastating event that changed the South Island's east coast both geographically and economically. The community has done an amazing job facing the challenges the quake presented and getting back up to speed, welcoming tourists again quickly.

The re-opening of the Kaikoura Marina today will enhance accessibility for marine tourist operators and the long-awaited re-opening of State Highway 1 next month will further boost the flow of visitors to the area. Tourism New Zealand will continue to support the local industry to help boost visitor numbers to the area  throughout 2018.

Our travel trade-specific website is updated regularly with regional and product information, we include Kaikoura in trade and media famils and Kaikoura is included in our new campaign, launched this week, that is about getting more Australians to experience the South Island in autumn, from a Christchurch base. Read the full story below.

Staying with the South Island, next month staff from Tourism New Zealand and Tourism West Coast will head across the Tasman to present to 150 frontline travel agents about the West Coast.

All of this work supports our commitment to encourage visitors to enjoy New Zealand in the shoulder seasons and to explore more of our less travelled regions.  

Enjoy your week.

Stephen England-Hall

Chief Executive, Tourism New Zealand

Featured News

Seeing the south from a Christchurch base

A big push is on to get Australians to explore the south island by staying in Christchurch and taking day-trips to an incredible range of experiences, all within easy reach.

TNZ - Philippine Airlines new partnership

Visitor numbers from the Philippines are set to grow following the launch of several Tourism New Zealand ventures in partnership with Philippine Airlines.

Strong operator support sells New Zealand to USA

Around 600 travel sellers from the US are ready to sell New Zealand following massive training roadshow. 

New Zealand popular with world's elite

New data shows premium accommodation spend in NZ increased 42 percent in past year.

In Brief

New NZ Emergency Mobile Alert system

Operators might want to talk to their international visitors about a new Emergency Mobile Alert system being introduced by Civil Defence this month. In areas where an emergency occurs, the system will send out key information, in English, to mobile phones.

Register for upcoming events

SATTE 2018 - Registrations open until 20 November 2017

ILTM Asia Pacific 2018 - Registrations open until 22 November 2017

Two new i-SITEs open

Travellers around the North Island will have two new i-SITE Visitor Information Centres to visit this summer with the opening of Waiouru i-SITE and Foxton i-SITE this week. These additions bring the total number of i-SITEs nationwide to 81.

Visitors blown away by Kiwi manaakitanga

Travellers are sharing their stories about the special nature of Kiwi hospitality.

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