
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

5 travel articles to read right away

Hi ,

The first thing I want to send you are my five favorite blog posts Why? Because these articles will inspire you, help you plan, and help overcome any apprehension you might have about your trip.

The hardest part about travel is stepping out the door, and these articles will help you get over those fears and on the road faster!

They are my absolute favorite articles — and the ones readers like yourself have loved too, so enjoy!

Everyone Says I'm Running Away

A lot of people think that long-term travelers are running away from life and their problems. Is that really true? Are we just running away from something? I don't think so. Here's why I think you and I are both running toward life, not away from it.

Why Jessica Is Never Going to Ireland with Her Boyfriend — But You Can Go Anywhere

I once met a girl who was convinced that travel would always be out of her reach. She was wrong. The ads and commercials telling you travel is expensive are also wrong. Here is how to get motivated, organize a trip, save money, and make all your dreams a reality.

How to Deal With Haters and Prove Them Wrong

There are a lot of cynics in the world, and many of them will tell you can't travel for one reason or another. They're wrong. They are just putting their negativity on you. Here's how to deal with them and stay inspired about your trip.

Why Travel Makes You Awesome

Travel makes you a better person. It makes you more social, happy, helpful, and smart, and a better problem solver. Here are all the ways travel will make you awesome!

Why It's Never the Perfect Time to Travel

People always put off traveling. It's never the right time. It's never perfect, they say. Well, life is never perfect. When is the best time to travel the world? Now! Here's my explanation to help motivate you.

Until next time, travel far and wide!


Nomadic Matt

P.P.S. - If you're looking for more in-depth resources, don't forget to check out my books, detailed city guides, country guides, and courses. You can dive in here!

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